Dark Circles under eye are generally due to a lack of sleep, fatigue, stress, deficiency or some disease. Black or dark circles under or around the eyes can be caused by many different factors. Take all precautions to avoid strain on the eyes.
Home remedies to remove dark circles under eyes
Home remedies are short-term, pocket friendly options for reducing the appearance of dark circles under eye but are not usually regarded as permanent solutions.
Several years of dermatological research has combined effects with skin care product manufacturers and resulted in production of specialized eye cream to remove dark circles. These eye creams and gels, used over a period, contain a balanced combination of compounds and botanicals, including AHA (alpha-hydroxy acid) that can remove dark circles under the eyes and even prevent future occurrence of dark circles. These eye creams are safe to use as preventive therapy as well as effective, though slow solution for dark circles under eye and one need not break the bank for purchasing these.
Additional reasons for dark circles under eye are stress or lack of sleep, resulting in fatigue and the subsequent effect on the skin. Allergies and malnutrition are other known causes of under eye dark circles and these have simple remedies like drinking a minimum of 8-10 glasses of water daily and getting sufficient rest at night, combined with a healthy diet of fruit, vegetables and sufficient minerals.
Natural products like cooled tea bags and slices of cucumber can help reduce puffiness under the eyes and minimize the look of dark circles.
Homemade Darkcircles Remedy - Try these remedies for treating dark circles under eyes
Dark Circles can be removed by applying peeled and grated potato overnight at least three times a week.
Grate a cucumber, squeeze to take out its juice and refrigerate. Make a mixture of lemon juice, lanolin cream and cucumber juice and apply around the eye for 10-15 minutes.
The most effective remedy for dark circles is also the most cliche. Thin slices of cucumber applied to your eyes not only helps to lighten the skin, but also soothes and cools the eyes. This can be especially comforting if you've been up late the night before or your eyes are red and tired from allergies or staring at a laptop screen.
Massage with almond oil under and around eyes at bed time daily for 2 weeks and see the improvement. Almond helps to remove dark circles, and is an excellent "skin food".
The caffiene in tea bags acts as a remedy for dark circles by diminishing puffiness. Caffiene in tea helps to diminish water in the tissues around the eyes (you'll notice that many early eye circle creams contain caffiene for this very reason). In addition, tea contains antioxidants that are beneficial to the skin.