Dandruff - Homemade remedies for curing Dandruff

Dandruff is the enemy of the hair. It weakens the roots. Consequently, hair start falling off. Dandruff is a kind of contagious disease. It sticks on the skin of the scalp in a cake form and block free flow of air to the hair roots. As a result, hair become weak at the roots and loosen their hold. Most hair problems can be prevented with good hygiene; a balanced diet and proper hair care techniques. When the dietary intake of a person is faulty, it can trigger dandruff or cause other such hair problem conditions to flare up. When the infection spreads to the skin, the condition of dandruff can become even more troublesome.

Understanding Dandruff causes
Dandruff is a common hair problem for both men and women and affects the scalp. The mild form of dandruff is recognizable as loose white flakes that fall off and are noticeable on shoulders, back or scalp of persons, but at times, these may be yellowish in color as well. This form of dandruff usually causes itchiness. When dandruff is dry, it is white and loose but if its oily in nature, it is yellowish and smelly- usually associated with adolescents and adults having excessively oily skin.

Hormonal disturbances, emotional tension, infections due to disease, faulty diet and excessive use of harsh hair products like sprays and gels can all be potential causes of dandruff. These trigger off excessive sebum secretion, causing a build-up of dead cells or Dandruff scales on the scalp. Dandruff is linked to impaired general well being and health, improper diet, constipation and low immune system functioning due to development of toxic conditions or infectious diseases.

Types of dandruff
Dandruf is of two types:

Dry Dandruff causes itch, while Oily Dandruff remains sticking to the scalp.

Treatment and cure of Dandruf
Many medicines and medicated soaps and shampoos are available to counter Dandruff, but the most effective is cleanliness of hair. Brush your hair at least thrice a day and shampoo twice a week at least.

Homemade remedies for Dandruff
Infuse 2 tbsp. of fresh or dried rosemary and sage in 1 gallon of water for 24 hours. Use daily as a hair rinse for curing dandruff.

Fenugreek Seeds is another way to rid yourself of dandruff. Take two tablespoon fenugreek seeds soaked overnight in water. Make a fine paste and apply all over the scalp. Leave it for some minutes and wash off with fresh water.

Lemon Remedy: Wash your hair with lemon juice. It will leave the hair glossy and free of dandruff.

Massage and daily brushing are effective in treating dandruff. They help in blood circulation. For dry dandruff you should use an oil to massage before washing your hair.

The juice of shigru leaves is rubbed on the head to cure dandruff.